Allergy & Immunotherapy Services

We look forward to helping you with your allergies and to guide you through the various treatment options.
An allergy skin test is easy to perform and is pain free. This will give us immediate results that can help us pinpoint your allergies.
We test for 45 of the most common environmental allergens in the Northeast region including, grasses, trees, weeds, dust, animals and molds.
The goal of an allergy skin test is to identify the presence, type, and severity of allergies, which are an abnormal response your body has to certain substances in the environment. Allergy skin testing is typically performed on the forearm or back, and takes approximately 60 minutes. The test is done on both adults and children of most ages.
Preparing for Your Visit
Please click the button below and review prior to coming in for your scheduled appointment.
It is important that you follow the instructions for allergy testing so that accurate results can be determined. Failure to do so may result in a return visit.
If you have a history of asthma, you should bring your albuterol inhaler with you to your testing appointment.
If after reading through the allergy skin testing instructions and medication guide, you have additional questions please contact the Allergy department at 978-997-1550 and we will be happy to assist you further.
Please read our safety precautions prior to your appointment
- All patients will be screened prior to appointment for fever, cough, shortness of breath, cold/flu symptoms, red eyes, loss of smell/taste, and body aches. If you have traveled outside of the US, have been in contact with someone with Coronavirus, or you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, we kindly ask that you contact the office PRIOR to coming in for your injection.
- All patients must bring and wear a mask the entire time they are in the office. Cloth or other home-made masks are acceptable. Any patient who arrives without a mask will be turned away and rescheduled to a later appointment.
- We are limiting the number of people allowed in our offices to only the patient and an immediate caregiver if patient is a child. All else must wait in the car.
- All patients are required to pre-medicate with an antihistamine leading up to their scheduled shot appointment as previously directed. In addition, patients should continue to bring their Epipen and albuterol inhaler if applicable.
- All patients are required to remain in the office for 20 minutes following their injection to allow for proper observation.